Tuesday, 22 March 2011

New blog

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my blog! I hope to learn so much about web 2.0 over the next few weeks. I saw that some of you commented on my photo, it was taken while I was on holiday in Laos last year and I am supposed to be bathing the elephant and not drowning it PIP!

I can see blogs as good way of libraries communicating with the public although I think that for a blog to be successful it needs to be engaging and updated regurlarly rather than simply provide the same information as a library website. I think that most interesting blogs have more personal information than websites and share the blogger's thoughts and opinions. I would be interested in reading blogs about literature and music.



  1. I think we all hope to learn lots.

  2. How clever to post a photo as well

  3. You're obviouly planning a trip to India some time?

  4. I think Verity you should post the photo of the shot of you trying to submerse the poor wittle elephants head under the water... You were trying to drown the poor little fellow, weren't you! - hehehe... just kidding ...Where was this shot taken again, where were you travelling?, can't remember what you said... What a ride that must have been! (bobbi brown).
